Stop giving this lying criminal a podium. Kat is not a famous journalist, he is a famous criminal en activist. And many times convicted of lying.

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How is that so many serious research journalists, professional whistleblowers and dissident activists, from Edward Snowden to Julian Assange and from Gemma O'Doherty to Reiner Fuellmich, are these days labeled 'criminals' and 'liars' ? What is the true value of these labels and these 'convictions'? Perhaps MSM journalisten, who do much to impose these labels, are exactly what 'suicided' Udo Ulfkotte said they are: 'gekaufte Journalisten' and they merely say what they are told to say by their masters - not only in Germany.

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But Micha Kat is not a serious research journalist. He is not even a journalist. He has spend years in prison for spreading evil lies about innocent people (Google Bodegraven), as wel as threats to real journalists and even bombthreats. The true value off calling someone a liar is exactly what it is: stating that someone is a liar. I have al long list of vicious lies that Kat spread in al these years. Many of them contain false accusations about rape or child abuse. The police even found childporn on his website. And funny that you write about 'what they are told by their masters': Kat literally got paid every month (2500 euro) for spreading lies about judges and politicians. He got paid by a wealthy real estate-guy to spread lies because that guy lost a lawsuit. Google Poot.

So if anybody is 'gekauft' it is Micha Kat. But I guess you call Alex Jones also a research journalist, don't you? In The Netherlands we see Kat as a small Alex Jones.

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'Give full measure and full weight, in justice. We task not any soul beyond its scope. And if ye give your word, do justice thereunto, even though it be against a kinsman; and fulfil the covenant of God. This He commandeth you that haply ye may remember'

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